Sunday 26 May 2013

Guy's Letter

Dear Faber,
Things have changed in our city. When I say changed, I mean our city does not exist anymore. It has been bombed to smithereens. Thank God that you planned your trip that day. Before the bombing I managed to escape the city and the Mechanical Hound. They lost my trace at the river. I am now with a group of former professors and I have joined a special organization. Thousands of books are being recorded by this organization; however, we have recorded them in our minds. Thousands of people are a part of this. Faber, my goal for the future is to wait for the people of our nation to come around. And when that time comes, we will be there to teach them everything we have stored in our minds. It is only a matter of time before our chance to truly speak to people with open ears. I hope to see you at the frontline with me when that day comes.

Until we meet again my friend,

Granger's Letter

Dear Montag,
It is great having you aboard our group. I am very excited to work with such a passionate man. The first, and most important fact I want to tell you is how important we are. We are humanity's archives. We hold scripture, history, and all literary works written by man in our minds. In terms of our goal, it is not as radical as your original plan; however, we believe it is more effective. We must be patient with mankind Montag. There will come a day when mankind seeks us and the knowledge we have stored. Whether that may be tomorrow, or hundreds of years down the road. They will make their way around, and when that day comes, then that is when the books in our heads will come to use. Until then, stay patient and keep your eyes on that day when our dream will become reality.

Yours truly,

Guy's Letter

Dear Mildred,
I know the last few days were strange for you. I have been acting different, and I know that you have noticed. The reason to this is because I have been considering my career as a fireman. I cannot continue doing my job. I have to change not just my career, but also everything. I realized how corrupt of a society we're living in after the night of that women's death. There is something very wrong when it is natural to burn people because they have books. I have also been reflecting on our relationship, and know there is something clearly wrong. Don't you understand my pain of coming home every night wondering if you've overdosed on sleeping pills? For these reasons I must change. I don't know exactly how I'm going to do that; however, I do know books hold something very special within them, and I want to find out if they hold the key to change. I would say I love you Mildred, but the truth is I don't feel anything towards you. Another reason for why I must change.

Yours faithfully,

Faber's Letter

Dear Montag,
I hope you are doing well. It was very nice to meet you and have our little talk. I may have been reluctant when you were at my house, but that was due to my cowardice. Montag, I encourage you to pursue your goal to the very end. We cannot afford to have any more books destroyed by those pitiful people that call themselves firemen. Books are what have given us perspective, and a people without perspective is dead! Books expose the pores in our society; they make us reflect on what we are doing wrong and what we are doing right. Because our society has been stripped of books, we have become a blind people without any guidance or standards. The remedy to our society is not just books though, it is what's written in them. Granted, that I came up with the idea, you are the one that decided to pursue it. Go and pursue your goal Montag, and do not give up!

Yours truly,

Saturday 25 May 2013

Beatty's Letter

Dear Montag,
I am writing this letter to you out of my concern for you. A few days ago, our team went through something difficult. I understand your shock and confusion from that night. I also want to let you know it's natural for certain thoughts to conjure in your head. Maybe curiosity has begun to invade your mind. The thought of a person dying willingly because they were going to lose their books is hard to grasp. However, you must know, for that reason we are doing the right thing. Books are manipulative, and the only things they do are brainwashing people. As you saw a few days ago, books have the power to end people's lives. Montag, you and I are the peacekeepers of this nation. We must do our duty to preserve equality and the truth. You are one of my best men and I know your a little shaken up right now, but I have complete confidence that you'll be back and ready to do the good work. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly,
Captain Beatty

Clarisse's letter

Dear Montag,
I am alive. I was not killed by a car as the news reported; however, I was attacked by a Mechanical Hound. I barely escaped with my life, but I have managed to flee from it. More importantly, the reason I was attacked is because the authorities found out I was beginning to start a rebellion. Do you remember when I told you about the times my grandfather lived in? A place where children didn't kill each other and where people believed in responsibility. Well I'm determined to make things like they were. Montag, I'm writing this letter to you because I believe in you. I believe that you don't agree with how life is being lived today. I can see that you know burning houses, books, and even people, is wrong. I want you to know that you don't have to live this way. We can convince the people that there are things to care about, like the rain, the moon, and books. Montag, I urge you to come join me.

Yours sincerely,

Clarisse McClellan